
Porsche News Bits Brought To You By Unobtanium Inc

PCA Autocross 2016

Today was my first ever autocross.  I was hoping my 904 project would be far enough along by now that I could take it, but alas projects always take twice as long as we plan.  But luckily, there are more choices in the Wright stable, so I took the 60 Roadster.  I was fully prepared to have damage, my motto has always been to drive the car, and not be afraid of what might happen.  The damage I did get probably isn’t permanent and ironically it wasn’t even my fault.  My first lap out one of the instructors offered to ride with me, I figured that was probably a good idea.  Once we started really going through it he grabbed for the grab handle, except I don’t think he knew 356’s very well (there were only two at the event) and he grabbed the inner door handle.  The result was the door flying open with a guy leaning on it, which tweaked, and now it doesn’t want to close.  Hopefully the magic hands of Big John can massage the door back into place on Monday, he’s hung enough doors to be pretty good at it.

Back to the autocross, I came in 2nd, but did I mention there were only two 356s?  It was a lot of fun, but I wasn’t very good, I missed the same spot on the course three times!  But my times did get better as the day wore on and they weren’t the worst times on the field, there is always comfort to be found in not being on the bottom.  All in all a great day, with many more in the future.  Race on!


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